Can you Checkmate Without Check? (Your Problem solved!)

“Can you Checkmate Without Check? The Simple Answer is NO. Checkmate cannot be achieved without putting the final check on your opponent’s king. The attacker must defend against this attack because it is necessary. Checkmate occurs when there are no legal moves that the opponent can make to eradicate the threat.”

It is possible to win the game when you checkmate your opponent’s king. Do you agree? Nevertheless, you may wonder whether it is possible to checkmate without checking or if you must checkmate before checking. Often in chess games, the king is not in check but is suddenly checkmated because it is not mandatory to check before checkmate. Checkmate of the black king by the white queen occurs on the second move. This can be seen in Fool’s Mate.

In the following paragraphs, I will explain everything from scratch in case some terms are unclear. Many beginners find it difficult to understand check and checkmate. This article will answer all your questions regarding these two, so if you are also confused about them, just relax.

So without further ado, let’s get started!

Can you checkmate without check

What is Check?

A check occurs when another piece threatens to capture your king or your opponent’s king. It is then necessary to move the king or capture the piece attacking the king when this happens. It is a checkmate if no movement can be made to escape the danger and avoid being hit by check.

The following examples illustrate what a check means using every type of chess piece. These are all examples of checks, not checkmates. It should be noted that a king can’t check another king since it would be putting itself at risk.

A pawn delivering the check

A pawn delivering the check

A rook delivering the check

A rook delivering the check

A queen delivering the check

A Queen Delivering the Check

Due to the special nature of the king, it can never be captured as compared to the rest of the pieces in the game.

What is Checkmate?

It occurs when one of your kings or your opponent’s kings is in check, which means neither piece can move or be captured. Checkmate means the game must end immediately, no matter how many pieces remain on the board.

Despite almost every piece on the board being a pawn, this pawn delivers checkmate. Despite being under direct attack, the queen protects the pawn, so the king cannot move or recapture it.

What is checkmate

In chess, keeping a checkmate in mind while playing is always important, despite striving to win a material advantage. A threat of a checkmate on the opposite side of the board can be used in some situations to stop an attack.

A checkmate can also be delivered with a piece sacrifice just to end the game. In order to better understand this, let me give you some examples. The checkmate can be completed in one move by black, but white played Qf7 first, which is written as Qf7#. In this position, the queen is protected from the king’s recapture by the pawn on g6 and the bishop on c4.

Checkmate with a lot of pieces

Checkmate with alot of Pieces


Taking out the remaining pieces from the board reveals the same checkmate.

As soon as checkmate is achieved, the rest of the board no longer matters since the game must be over.

What Is The Difference Between Check And Checkmate?


There is still a chance for the king to escape when he is under attack. When a king is checkmated, it means that the king has been attacked and cannot be protected.

Difference between check and checkmate

There is still some way for the king to escape from the threat. Responses to checks can be made in three ways:

  1. A chess piece that is attacking must be captured.
  2. In order to protect the king from an attack by a piece.
  3. A safer square should be chosen for the king.

Here, though the black queen is attempting to attack the black king, the black king still has ways to defend himself. An orange tick indicates that a square is safe for the black king. There is a red cross on the square that is unsafe. A third way for a black king to respond to a check can be seen in the three ways discussed above. In order to escape check, it can move either on h7 or g8.



An attack on the king means it is checkmated (or simply mate). Checkmate wins when the king is checked, while checkmate loses when the king is not checked.

As you can see, in this example, the white queen is attacking the black king. Due to the white bishop’s protection, the black king could not capture the white queen. Also, the black king cannot move to any other square that is safe. This results in the checkmating of the black king.

Here are some examples of checkmate that occurs without a check after understanding the difference between check and checkmate.

Some Examples where Checkmate Occurs without Check

Fool’s Mate

Fool's mate

1st: The white pawn is first moved to the f3 square in this mating pattern. A pawn is moved to square e5 by black in response.

2nd: White moves his other pawn to square g4 on his second move. White’s king is checked mate when black moves its queen to h4.

There is no safe square for the white king to move on now. A white piece cannot be placed between the attacking piece and the king and, therefore, can’t be killed.

This means that, even without being checked, the white king is checkmated directly. Known also as two-move checkmate, fool’s mate is achieved by black checking the white in two moves.

Next, let’s look at another example.

Scholar’s Mate

Scholars Mate
  1. A pawn is moved by white to e4, followed by a pawn being moved by black to e5.
  2. Afterward, white moves his bishop to c4 and attacks the f7 pawn. Black moves knight to c6.
  3. During the next move, White moves the queen to h5 and attacks the pawn on f7. Knight on f6 is moved by black in response.
  4. After capturing the f7 pawn, white checkmates the black king.

It is checkmate here since the white bishop protects the black queen, so the king cannot capture her.

In addition to being blocked from moving elsewhere, no pieces are allowed between the king and the queen. As a result, a checkmate is clearly possible without a check. In addition to being called a scholar’s mate, this checkmate occurs in four moves.

A weak f7 pawn might have caught your attention. Do you agree? Initially, the king is the only one protecting it. Furthermore, losing our king would mean losing the game since we can’t protect a pawn with it. Thus, to prevent a checkmate early in the game, we first need to be aware of all of these patterns and then use proper strategies to safeguard the f7. Our opponent sets traps, and we need to avoid falling into them.

Chess Check Delivery: What is its Importance?

Check is a vital aspect of checkmate and cannot be achieved without it. Despite their importance in delivering checkmates, checks are also essential to gaining more tempo.

In chess, tempo refers to the speed at which pieces move. It is more important for us to move our pieces into the game as quickly as possible in order to improve our position. In order for our opponent to respond to the threat, we must force him to waste a move by checking him. Our “tempo” is then gained by getting back out turn.

In addition to gaining tempo through checks, we are able to counteract the plans of our opponents. Assisting the enemy king in the attack is made possible by checks. Checkmate is closer to being delivered when our checks are timely.

Faqs [Frequently Asked Questions]

Question 1: Can you Kill a King without Check?

Answer: It is technically impossible to kill a king, but it can be checked and checked-matted. In many situations, the king can be checkmated instantly without the need to be in check, so it is possible to checkmate a king without a check. For example, fool’s mate and scholar’s mate are fast checkmates.

Question 2: What if you didn’t say check while playing chess?

Answer: Despite not saying check, you can still win chess. An official chess game does not require the use of the words check or checkmate. Professional players are usually able to recognize when they are in checkmate or check. Casual games allow you to do whatever you want.

Question 3: When your king is in check, what happens?

Answer: It is possible for the king to move into check in one of two ways. Before making any other move (otherwise, it will be considered illegal), the player must decide whether the king has any legal way out of it. The game is over when the king has no legal way to escape check.

Question 4: Do you think you can go straight to checkmate?

Answer: Checkmate does not have to be checked before checkmate, so you can go straight to checkmate. It is not uncommon for the king to be checkmated when it isn’t in check. For example, a white queen may checkmate the black king on its second move in Fool’s Mate.

Wrapping Up

The check and the checkmate have some similarities, but the check must first occur before the checkmate can take place.

Basically, the idea is whether or not the king is under attack. It was uncertain whether the king would be able to escape it. Basically, checkmates occur when the king cannot escape an attack, and checkmates occur when they cannot get out.

Stalemates must also be mentioned here as another concept. There is a big difference between a stalemate and a checkmate. No legal moves are left for the king to continue the game, even though he is not in check. When a stalemate occurs, the game ends in a draw.

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