How is a chess board setup? Correct layout and pieces with pictures

Ancient man invented the Square shaped Chess Board for entertainment in the early centuries. Chess is the game that represents the battlefield conspiracies on the few inches wide board. Usually, the Chess Board design owns the 8 vertical columns and horizontal rows that look like black and white Square shaped tiles of the floor.

chess board setup

Chess Board Setup

Before knowing how to play chess, users need to know the legal method of Chess Board Setup. According to place and cultures, ancient game owns different laws and rules of gaming. We will describe the universal legal regulations to play chess on the Chess Board.

 10 Basic Principals of Chess Board Setup 

  • Keep white corner tile on your right hand because the first 2 rows work as the garrison of your Chess Board. As you set the White corner on your right side, your opponent automatically gets their white tile on their right corner. Use chess strategy for beginners to stay ahead in your very first games.
  • The middle 4 rows of the Chess Board facilitate the worrier to fight. In other words, you can say that is the battlefield where the conspiracies outbreaks. Here the all chessmen move vertically, horizontally, and diagonally.
  • The first row of the Chess Board made for the Elites of the Battle, like King, Bishop, Queens, Rooks, and Knights. Accordingly, each player sets the row from their side. All elite chessman faces their opponents, including Queen and King.
  • Now, cast the Rook pair on the corners, one on the right and the other on the left. Usually, Rooks moves straight to take an unlimited step to the right, left, back, and forward. Further, it is capable of covering all 8 tiles of the board.
  • On the second progressive position, the player cast the 2 Knights next to the Rooks. Knight is the horses like chessman that moves 2 and a half steps ahead on the Chess Board. (2 and a half means 2 forward and a half to right or left side)
  • Hereafter, it’s time to place 2 Bishops, just next to the Knights, and it moves diagonally toward the right, left, ahead, and backward. Moreover, the Bishop of the black tile cannot move to the white ever, nor the white tile Bishop moves to the black. Like Rook, it can take unlimited steps at one move.
  • Now, 2 houses in the first row are left, one is black, and the other is white. Then, cast the Queen according to the color of Queen. If the Queen is black, place it on the black tile. Otherwise, keep it on the white tile. Queens possess powers to take unlimited steps at a single move in any direction, straight or diagonally.
  • The King covers the last and the significant tile of the Chess Board. The battle moves around the King. Usually, King can take a step in any direction, and all chessman is responsible for protecting the King and saving the Checkmate because when your King dies, you lose the battle.
  • The position of the Queen defines the position of King on the Chess Board. Therefore, the White Queen’s King stands on the black tile, and the Black Queen’s King stands on the white tile in the beginning. Later both can move to any tile.
  • The second row of the board, designed to place the Pawns who guarded the elites, takes 1 or 2 steps ahead and captures the opponent’s chessmen diagonally. In the second row, 8 Pawns make a fence against the enemy. As the Pawn reaches the 8th house tile, it gains the power of elites.

Chess board setup

 8 Tricks of Chess Boards Moves 

  • According to the rule, the white chessman owns the right to make the first move on the battlefield. So, make a toss or hide the black and white chessman in your hand and offer your opponent to choose one. However, the winner will play on white chessman.
  • The most offensive chessman is the Queen that can move unlimited steps in any direction on Chess Board. Usually, the chess players do not impact the Queen at the beginning of the game because it supports the other chessman like knights, bishops, and King after it gives a tough time to the opposition.
  • Queen alone holds the power of Bishop and Rook, so if you lose the Queen, Bishops and Rooks work. But the authorities reduce because the Rook can not move diagonally, and the Bishop does not move straight. After Queen, the most potent chessmen are Bishop and Rooks.
  • Knights are rare and unique on the battlefield because of their unusual moves as the Knight moves on, the 2 unique positions when packed from other chessmen whereas it moves to the 4 possible stations in the central rows of the Chess Board. Furthermore, it jumps over the opponent’s chessman.
  • Pawns are many in number and the only chessman who moves forward and diagonal. Yes, it takes 1 step diagonally when it captures a chessman of the opposite player. Otherwise, it drives straight. Pawns are mysterious sometimes, and it gives you shocking surprises.
  • En passant is a specific move that Pawns take when they have another Pawn side by side. In this move, as the opposite Pawn takes two steps ahead, your Pawn can move back diagonally behind the other Pawn to lock the back movement of the Pawn. En Passant is not cheating. It is a legal move.
  • Chess Board gameplay offers the check options to warn the King that gave an ultimatum to the opposite player. If the player takes a move back or an activity that secures the King, the option loses importance. But if the player does not care about the injunction, the enemy can capture a King and win the board.
  • Kings are allowed to move like a Knight once on a Chess Board to get ride of Checkmate. Moreover, It can capture an opposite chessman through a special move. Queen Gambit Corning King and Slav Tringle-like patterns are the best strategies and positions to Possibly Checkmate. You can also win chess in 4 moves with a strategy named as scholar’s mate.

 Numbers of Chessman 

On the Chess Board, there are 16 pieces of chessmen in each team, 1 Queen and King, pair of Rooks, Bishops, and Knights, and 8 Pawns. Altogether, 36 pieces play a mind-tingling game on the few inches wide board.

For instance, the player marks X on C3 or A3 to move the Knight on the specific tile. The vertical rows of the Chess pointed as the English alphabet a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h. However, The horizontal rows numbered from 1 to 8.


Expert and professional players play the game within time limits at a problematic level. On the other hand, some chess lovers play a single game for days and weeks. The game is quite exciting and adores people of all age groups and genders. The low difficulty levels are available in the iChess games that offer the player to sharpen the skill of the average IQ people and children. So, get your Chess Board Setup in the light of mentioned instructions and enjoy your battle on the tiny Chess Board.

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